marți, 6 august 2013

Filmul despărțirilor? E același întotdeauna. Stai în casă și plângi, stai în casă și nu vorbești cu nimeni, stai în casă și te gândești la el. Dar, evident, vine un moment... Momentul! Momentul în care spui Gata! E timpul să nu mă mai gândesc la el, e timpul să îmi reiau viața. Și asta faci - îți reiei obiceiurile, ieși din casă, îți vezi cunoscuții, te gândești din ce în ce mai puțin la el. Și începe să treacă timpul, intri în rutină, îl uiți. Și într-o zi, poate îl vezi cu alta și iți dai seama că toate sentimentele alea, pe care credeai că le-ai dat uitării, doar s-au ascuns printr-un colțișor al sufletului tău, și acum te împung mai ceva decât niște sulițe . Dar știi că așa a fost mereu. Clișeicul ”timpul vindecă toate rănile” îți dă putere. Privești înainte. Știi că s-a terminat. Și simți că s-a terminat. S-a terminat. Și rănile chiar se vindecă. Dar cu cicatricile ce facem? Cu ele rămânem. Ele sunt dovezile iubirilor trecute și a războaielor cu noi înșine. Și în momentele când cicatricile dor, fie ele mai vechi sau mai noi, știm că trăim. Și măcar asta îți dă putere să privești spre viitor.

duminică, 2 iunie 2013


Surprisingly she felt a lot better than she thought she would. She didn't feel like crying, she was just a little sad, just a bit, and tired. Cause maybe he really didn't deserve her. Maybe this is for the best. Maybe something more will happen sometimes, or maybe not. But this was it for now.


vineri, 31 mai 2013


And they're just sitting there, on that bench as if time stopped. He's holding her hand but it's over. He leans to kiss her and says it's the last time. Only that he kisses her again and again, he cannot stop. And he says he cares, and maybe sometime...she can only hope.
And when they part, he asks her if he can kiss her one more time, for the last time...But she knows that if he does that, he will also taste her salty tears, she knows that she wouldn't be able to hold them in. She can't even say no, she just shakes her head. So he gives her a hug, he wraps his arms around her and holds her tight. And now she is fighting her tears. She can barely hold them in and he won't let go. Please let go before I start crying. When he finally lets go and looks into her eyes, he sees her tears. But he must go and she can't say anything. If she did, she would break into tears and probably won't be able to stop them.  She just waves goodbye and turns around, not to see him go because that would be too much. And now she can't hold it in anymore. Tears fill her eyes and she can't breathe...But it's ok...It will be okay.

I said I wouldn't forget your first kiss. Nor will I forget your last hug. The hug that almost made tears run down my face. The hug that made you see those tears.

marți, 28 mai 2013

i can't ask you to love me just because i love you. i can't ask you to love me period. but that's what i want the most. for you to love me. to respect me. to cherish me. to tell me everything. i want you to love me and to tell me that. or, at least to let me know somehow that you have some feelings for me. 
i feel just as if it was then. when i knew nothing, only that maybe you wanted something. and now, when we've been together for some time, i feels as insecure.
you don't talk to me and i feel lonely. i feel like, i don't you don't care. i don't believe you when you say you missed me. i don't believe you when you say you've just arrived home. i hated the moment when you didn't say happy birthday. and yes, i would have wanted for you to call me at 12.00 AM and not at 3 PM.
and i don't even know if i love you, i just miss you. you are right here and i miss you. i miss you more than when you were gone. 
i miss you and i hate myself. i hate myself because i care. i've always hated that about myself. i'll end up brokenhearted. again. 

duminică, 24 februarie 2013

Mi-au trebuit doi ani ca să învăț că trebuie să te iau așa cum ești :)
Îmi place să mă înșel câteodată. Îmi place când mă înșel în privința ta. E....cea mai plăcută dezamăgire.

miercuri, 13 februarie 2013

știi că n-o să-ți uit niciodată primul sărut? pe niciunul din cele două :)